Department of Agricultural and Environmental Biology,
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Science, The University of Tokyo
Lab. of Biometry and Bioinformatics
Data ≠ Knowledge
∴ Bring out Knowledge from Data
The data from living beings through observation and perception is often obscure and voluminous. It is not always easy to capture the biological meaning as it is.
However, by finding useful knowledge from the unclear and vast data, it is possible to gain new insights and interpretations based on it. Biometry and bioinformatics have been developed as one of such technologies. These fields allow us to analyze vast amounts of life information, not only give new insights on life phenomena, but also to estimate and predict unobservable information and phenomena.
It is no exaggeration to say that these fields are now essential in biology and agriculture. Our laboratory offers perspectives to represent diverse biological phenomena through the development and use of statistical methods and algorithms from the standpoint of biometry and bioinformatics.